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Leadership Engagement with Tomorrow’s Leaders

As employees move up the chain of command within a company, they begin to encounter challenges and obstacles not previously experienced. These challenges demand a more creative, diverse, and relevant skill set to adequately meet and ultimately prevail against. As training for these leadership positions is essential for sustained growth and prosperity, Carbo Forge is excited to offer our leadership curriculum through Carbo Forge University™. Carbo Forge University acts as a bridge navigating highly motivated and technically qualified individuals over to the paradigm shifts in thinking required to effectively solve the daily challenges faced by those in leadership. The program consists of a structured framework to learn, or improve upon, leader specific skill sets. Training is administered in one of three ways including classes taken: Online, On-Site, or Off-Site. Please note that while this training may afford an individual the opportunity to acquire new skills and techniques, it does not guarantee any specific position, nor does it set a timeframe for future advancement.

What we can guarantee is that Carbo Forge University stands as another proof of our commitment in helping our employees to “always improve.”

Jeffrey C. Woitha

Jeff Woitha
President & CEO



Highly Skilled